Donnerstag, 14. Dezember 2006

der Fuehrerschein (Part 2)

Genau wie bei uns gibt es verschiedene Fragebogen, die man bei der Pruefung zufaellig bekommt. Allerdings gibt es bislang nur eine einzige englische Uebersetzung. Und diesen Bogen mit den Musterloesungen haben wir vorab erhalten, zum ueben.

Der Fragebogen hat insgesamt 55 Fragen, bei denen man aus drei Antworten auswaehlen muss und 45 Wahr/Falsch-Fragen. Man muss 90% richtig haben. Leider kann man die richtigen (im Sinne des Tests) nicht aus dem alltaeglichen Verhalten ableiten.

Im Vorfeld hatten wir aber schon die abenteurlichsten Storys gehoert: Ein paar Leute (also Westler) durften den Fragebogen mit nach Hause nehmen und am naechsten Tag vorbeibringen, einer hat bei der Pruefung sofort einen Fragebogen mit dem Loesungen bekommen usw usw.

Und weil die Fragen so "interessant" sind, hier ein paar Beispiele:

Chongqing Driver License Written Exam One
For City Buses, Medium Buses, Heavy Trucks, and Light Cars (Class A License)

2. If containerized loads of freight motor vehicles are more than 3 percent overweight or carry passengers, you will be fined.
a. from 200 to 500 yuan
b. 500 yuan
c. from 500 to 2000 yuan.

8. If you carry passengers in the body of a truck on the freeway, you will be cut down __ scores in the records.
a. 3
b. 6
c. 12

12. When large buses stop, they
a. can stop in any place in case of passengers' needs.
b. can stop in any place in case of safety.
c. cannot stop in any place out of bus stops without special cases.

Die Praxis laesst alle drei Loesungen und noch eine vierte zu: can stop in the middle of the road in case of a break down.

13. Passengers in a bus
a. are allowed to carry inflammable, explosive or other dangerous articles.
b. are not allowed to carry inflammable, explosive or other dangerous articles.
c. are allowed to carry a small amount of inflammable, explosive or other dangerous articles.

15. As a passenger-carrying vehicle, which of the following statement is right to tell the inside environment of the vehicle.
a. It depends on the driver's habit.
b. it is enough to make the space for the passenger tidy and clean.
c. It should be tidy and clean and make the passengers comfortable and convenient.

17. If the freight exceeds the height of the board, there are __ on the freight.
a. no passengers
b. 1 or 2 passengers
c. passengers holding the wrapping rope

19. On the city highway, freight motor vehicle can carry 1 to __ temporary worker in the body in case of enough security place.
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7

Allein die Idee, dass Leute auf der Ladeflaeche mitfahren duerfen. Und das sieht man hier wirklich oft!

23. When the red light is flashing, vehicles should
a. stop at the crosswalk lines
b. stop inside the crossing
c. stop outside the stopping lines

Auch hier wird in der Praxis eine vierte Variante gepflegt: Dont't care about the lights, use the horn, and drive on.

25. Drivers with hit-and-run driving will be revoked driver's license by the traffic administrative department of the public security organ and cannot obtain a new license with
a. 2 years
b. 10 years
3. the lifetime

40. Wrecking cars must have sign lamps installed and distinct logos sprayed on. when performing a wrecking mission, you must turn on the sign lamp and __.
a. place the danger sign
b. temporarily block the road section
c. the danger alarm flashlight

42. Can practice drivers drive motor vehicles on to the expressway?
a. Yes.
b. No.
c. They can if they have regular drivers accompany them.

46. The driver, who runs away after causing a traffic accident but not so serious as a crime, should be given a score of __ once.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 12

47. The driver who ueses the driving license of another person when driving the motor vehicle, should be given a score of __ once.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 12

48. If vehicles with compulsatory automobile third party liability insurance are damaged because of __, insurer will pay for the losses.
a. collision and overturning
b. natural abrasion
c. intentional damage

51. The period of validity for driver's license is
a. 6 years
b. 10 years
c. 6 years, 10 years or long-term

53. Vehicles are easy to be slippery because of a __ slip ratio when moving on the frozen road.
a. tiny
b. large
c. rare

54. With abdomen open injury like small intestine prolapse, one should
a. push it back
b. no action
c. not pushing back but wrapping with gauze bandage

Ich glaube, dass solche alltaeglichen Probleme bei uns gar nicht abgefragt werden, oder?

55. When driving, what you should do if the front vehicle are at a slow speed?
a. horn to warn the front vehicleto have a higher speed
b. turn on the left direction indicator lamp, alter the lane if it will not influence other vehicles. Slow down and keep following with a safe distance.
c. Horn to warn the front one to speed up and drive on the same lane.

Interessante Idee (b), die Spur zu wechseln, um dann nicht zu ueberholen? In der Praxis wird auch meist (a) benutzt, zusammen mit einer Erhoehung der Geschwindigkeit (ohne die Spur zu wechseln). Die Spur wechselt man hoechstens, wenn man den Gegenverkehr mit einbeziehen will.

Und hier ein paar Fragen aus Teil 2, wahr oder falsch?

9. While driving, the driver is not allowed to wear sippers, smoke, having food and chatting with the passengers.
12. Vehicles without full safety equipments must be driven by regular drivers with over 10 years safe ride experience.
13. It is not allowed to let people without driving license drive vehicles.
15. It is allowed to lend license, but not to alter or fake license.
23. On the roadway without centerline and motor lane and non-motor lane, motor vehicles should be on the right.
43. The motor vehicle should hanging license plate, mark of conformity, insurance mark as well as driver's license when it is on lane.
45. The soft stretcher can be used to carry the one with chest and lumbar injury.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Also das man Menschen auf der Ladefläche transportieren kann, ist in Deutschland ebenfalls erlaubt. Bis zu 8 Personen. Ob das auch für Autobahnen gilt, weiß ich nicht;)

Grüße aus Kiel.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Are you guys sure you weren't applying for an Ambulance driver licence? :D