Und was soll ich sagen, ich hab wohl die richtigen Bilder ausgewählt, denn letzte Woche bekam ich diese Mail:
Dear Mr. Michael Simons,
I am Sophie from Chongqing Municipal Informaion Office. I am glad to inform you that you have taken part in our photograph competition in the past few months and for the three photos that you have submitted,they got the First Prize, the Third Prize and the Excllent Awards, respectively.
Best regards
5 Kommentare:
Super, herzlichen Glückwunsch Excellent Award Foreign Eyes! Kannst Du noch die drei Bilder einstellen?
Ach so, was hast Du denn gewonnen? Seid Ihr jetzt Millionäre???
Na los, zeig her! Welche Bilder haben denn gewonnen?!
Was habt ihr gewonnen und viel wichtiger, wer hat außer Dir noch mitgemacht (*fg*).
Hey wow Michael! Congradulations, that's really cool! Did your pictures get printed in a magazine/newsletter or something?
Thank you very much.
Actually, I haven't seen the pictures printed in the news paper; only a short article about the ceremony and the contest itself.
But, we were told, there would be a kind of exhibition with the winning images - I'll keep you posted.
@Stephan: Nee, Millionär sind wir nicht.
Cheers, Michael
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